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Are you interested in having us field a study in your service territory or purchasing access to our existing insights? Fill out the form below and a member of the E Source team will contact you.

Use our primary market research to better understand and interact with your customers

Ask us how to access our existing insights or to field one of our customer studies in your service territory. Sign up today to make E Source Market Research an extension of your team. This service is available with or without an E Source subscription.

You’ll learn

What EVSE is and why it’s important

How to make EVSE more cost-effective to own and operate

How to install, maintain, and repair EVSE

E Source | | 1-800-ESOURCE

Become an E Source market research partner today. We’ll provide the existing questions, field the study, and tabulate the results. 

You’ll receive:

  • The use of our existing questionnaire, plus two custom questions
  • A report of service territory–level findings and recommendations
  • A read-through of results and advisory next steps
  • 32 hours of advisory time and iterative market research
  • A company-wide 12-month license to the service territory level data

Why E Source

Our people, our insights, and our network will help you better understand and interact with your customers so you can:

  • Design programs and marketing campaigns from your customers’ perspective
  • Make data-driven decisions instead of solving problems based on assumptions
  • Learn what your peers are doing and which of them is doing it best!
  • Make a business case for improvements at your utility

E Source | | 1-800-ESOURCE